Here’s hoping for an awesome summer with plenty of sun, but remember to think of your wine before you head out this summer.
High Temperatures are the number one enemy for wine, so we recommend not leaving wine in the back seat of your car. UV light damages the wine, as well as the heat. Luckily, coloured glass can keep your wine safe from the pesky sun but its best not to leave it to chance. Excessive heat can prematurely age your wine and make the aromas and flavours appear flat- all wines are best stored between 10-15 C.
If your wine raises above 30 C, the wines volatile components will be lost, and the wine can taste cooked. But don’t be tempted to chuck it in the freezer to cool it down, a few minutes too long and freezing could force the cork out!
When it comes to serving the wine, big burly reds can handle being served at warmer temps but more delicate wines like it cooler.
Here’s a rough guide to serving the Odyssey Wines range:
Odyssey Reserve Iliad Pinot Noir -17C
Odyssey Pinot Noir -15C
Odyssey Reserve Iliad Gisborne Chardonnay -12C
Odyssey Chardonnay, Pinot Gris and Rose -10C
Odyssey Sauvignon Blanc -8-10C
Homer Sparkling Rose -6C
See what you prefer, have fun and keep yourself and your wine safe from the sun!